For version 0.7.0.
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Core bindings
abs arccos arcsin arctan ceil cos cot floor mod modulo rem round sin sqrt tan

Elementary mathematical functions.
Sections:    Trigonometric functions    Extreme values    Rounding    Remainders of division    Miscellaneous functions

Trigonometric functions

Elementary math library function.
::§Float §Float
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Sine of argument in radians.
Elementary math library function.
::§Float §Float
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Cosine of argument in radians.
Elementary math library function.
::§Float §Float
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Tangent of argument in radians.
Elementary math library function.
::§Float §Float
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Coangent of argument in radians.
Elementary math library function.
::§Float §Float
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Inverse of sine, with result in radians.
Elementary math library function.
::§Float §Float
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Inverse of cosine, with result in radians.
Elementary math library function.
::§Float §Float
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Inverse of tangent, with result in radians.

Extreme values

TODO: Documentation of min and max.


Elementary math library function.
::§Float §Integer
Dynamic references:none
Rounding towards negative infinity, giving the largest integer which is not greater than the argument.
With the range of §Float being larger than the range of §Integer, there is risk of overflow, in case of which the behavior is undefined.
Elementary math library function.
::§Float §Integer
Dynamic references:none
Rounding towards positive infinity, giving the smallest integer which is not less than the argument.
With the range of §Float being larger than the range of §Integer, there is risk of overflow, in case of which the behavior is undefined.
Elementary math library function.
::§Float §Integer
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Rounding to nearest integer, with half-way cases rounded away from zero.
With the range of §Float being larger than the range of §Integer, there is risk of overflow, in case of which the behavior is undefined.

Remainders of division

Shapes comes with three different remainder functions, each characterized by how the sign of the result is determined. Each function is defined for both §Integer, §Float, and §Length. The difference between the three functions is illustrated by the following example.
Remainder functions
The three remainder functions, illustrated for both §Integer and §Float cases, and for both positive (left column) and negative (right column) divisors. Lines show the §Float case, with unattained limit values indicated with empty circles. Spots show the §Integer case. It is seen that the §Float case coincides with the §Integer case at integer points.
The illustration is included just for fun — when determining which remainder function to use, it is strongly recommended to do that based on the mathematical characterizations rather than this illustration.

Source: show/hide visit
dividend::§Integer divisor::§Integer §Integer
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Remainder consistent with Euclidean division, always being non-negative. That is, let z denote the result of [modulo x y], where x is the divident and y is the divisor. Then z is the unique number that satisfies both 0 ≤ z < |y| and n y + z = x for some integer n.
Equivalently, z can be compuated as x - [abs y] * [floor (1.0 * x) / [abs y]]..
dividend::§Float divisor::§Float §Float
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Generalization of the §Integer case to real values.
dividend::§Length divisor::§Length §Length
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Analogous to the §Float case.
dividend::§Integer divisor::§Integer §Integer
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Remainder induced by floored division. That is, let z denote the result of [mod x y], where x is the divident and y is the divisor. Then z solves the equation n y + z = x, where the integer n is the fraction x / y rounded towards negative infinity.
Since n y ≤ x if y > 0 and vice versa, the definition implies that z will have the same sign as y and magnitude less than that of y.
dividend::§Float divisor::§Float §Float
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Generalization of the §Integer case to real values.
dividend::§Length divisor::§Length §Length
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Analogous to the §Float case.
dividend::§Integer divisor::§Integer §Integer
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Remainder induced by division rounded towards zero. That is, let z denote the result of [rem x y], where x is the divident and y is the divisor. Then z solves the equation n y + z = x, where the integer n is the fraction x / y rounded towards zero.
Since the magnitude of n y will be no greater than that of x, the definition implies that z will have the same sign as x, and the magnitude of z will be less than that of y.
dividend::§Float divisor::§Float §Float
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Generalization of the §Integer case to real values.
dividend::§Length divisor::§Length §Length
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Analogous to the §Float case.

Miscellaneous functions

Elementary math library function.
::§Float §Float
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Square root of non-negative number.
This is the function invoked by the syntax abs-call. The binding is useful when the function needs to be passed around as a value, or if one does not like the special syntax.
Common to all cases of this function, is that the result is some kind of non-negative scalar (that is, a §Float, §Length, or §Integer).
::§Float §Float
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Absolute value.
::§Integer §Integer
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Absolute value.
::§Length §Length
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Unsigned length.
::§FloatPair §Float
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Euclidean norm.
::§Coords §Length
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Euclidean norm.
::§FloatTriple §Float
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Euclidean norm.
::§Coords3D §Length
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Euclidean norm.
::§Path §Length
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Length of path.
::§Path3D §Length
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Length of path.
::§Dash §Length
Dynamic references:none
Length of dash pattern.
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