tag | |
key::§Symbol obj transform:true::§Boolean draw:true::§Boolean → §Value | |
Dynamic references: | none |
Creates a tagged object by attaching key key to obj.
The result is either a §Drawable or a §Drawable3D, depending on the type of obj and the values of transform and draw. Non-geometric values result in §Drawable.
transform means the tagged object shall try to preserve the geometric nature of obj, while draw means that the drawable nature should be preserved. Note that a drawable object is also geometric.
Tagged objects are useful for many purposes. At the lowest level, they may be retrieved later by their key, and they can be referred to for removal from a group state.
| |
See also: | find findall §•Group |
find | |
container::§Group key::§Symbol → §Value | |
Dynamic references: | none |
Retrieves one value tagged with key. It is an error if the key is not present in container.
| |
See also: | tag findall |
container::§Group3D key::§Symbol → §Value | |
Dynamic references: | none |
See the 2d case.